As the heat waves increase everywhere, air conditioning units have become common in several offices and households. ACS brings the responsibility of regular maintenance with them. When we are not able to manage to clean the outer side of the AC, several issues arise.
One of the main problems that come to our notice is leaking water. If your AC is facing problems like leaking water, you should go in for AC repair in Katy, TX. Knowing the three main causes of AC leaks can help you to this end. These are listed below:
- Cracked or missing drain pan
The drain pan is located underneath the evaporator coil and collects any condensate from the indoor unit of the AC. If it is rusted, cracked, or misplaced, water won’t be able to properly drain outside.
- Clogged drain line
Algae and fungi can clog your AC condensate drain line.
- Clogged air filter
Your indoor air handler needs proper airflow to function efficiently. If your air filter is clogged, air will be restricted, leading to a variety of problems, such as frozen evaporator coils that drip excess water. Change the air filter every month or two to avoid leaking water.
Some other reasons why your AC might be leaking:
- A dirty air filter
- Faulty condensate pan
- Blocked drainpipe
- Faulty installation
- Cool outdoor temperatures
- Low refrigerant level
How Can the Issue be Resolved?
It is advisable to get AC check-Up in Katy, TX, every now and then to ensure that your AC is in good working condition and doesn’t leak. Here are some of the signs you need a check-up immediately:
- Frozen Evaporator Coils
Frozen evaporator coils indicate that your refrigerant can no longer take in the heat from your home. This can lead to warm air or no air and potential problems for your compressor. You can avoid this by replacing your air filter every 30-90 days and not covering the air vents or registers. You should change the air filter more in the summer when your air conditioner will be running for extended periods of time.
- Cracked or Overflowing Drain Pan
Your drain pan is located underneath the indoor air handler and catches any condensation from your AC unit. After turning off the unit, inspect your drain pan and pipe for leaks. Use a wet-dry to clean the overflow pan and inspect the bottom, edges, and corners with a flashlight. It is best to replace the damaged item.
- Clogged Condensate Drain Line
Fungi, algae, and debris can block the condensate line over time. It’s necessary to clean the drain line occasionally. Locate the outdoor condensate drain line near your condenser unit, connect your wet-dry attachment, and turn the vacuum on.
It is always advisable to get an annual maintenance contract for your AC. Getting AC check-Up is advisable to prevent your air conditioning system from leaking. One of the best AC check-up repair services is provided by Air Mechanic Services. They are the local experts in HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair and are known for their exceptional customer service.